
Hi and welcome to my page. I first want to say that I am sorry you found me, because that means you have lived through a loss of some kind. (I am sending kindness your way) I started this book all because I frantically wrote everything down the moment Tim died. I wrote pages and pages of memories of Tim. I was not about to let anything go that I could remember and hold onto about my husband. I felt as if I were to forget something about him, a story or something we did, then I would be forgetting him. And I did not want that.

Also, while trying to get our lives back to some kind of new normal, I had many people reach out along the way for me to offer help, guidance, advice or to share what I had been through for someone they knew who was in the newly-smoke-filled-never-ending tunnel that was the entrance to the town ”Widowville” (Its not even a town people want to pass through, and now here you are...moved into the big old house on the hill and you have to unpack your things and make this your new home)

I decided to try and get my thoughts somewhat together so I would be able to help those going through this same tragedy and see a tiny glimmer of hope in the close distance. So please read my book and let me know who you are, and let’s say our spouses names, laugh about them, be mad at them and say what we miss and love the most about them. Then lets get real about what the majority of our days are really like for us as we just try to raise happy and healthy children and pay for botox. And new workout clothes. And new shoes. And coffee:)